List of items

List of items

The list of items is intended to provide clarity to avoid discussions afterward. After all, you have agreed on the home's purchase price and want to be sure what is included and what is not.

What is on the list of items?

All interior, exterior, installations, safety measures, and energy conservation items are in the list of items. These movable items do not come standard with the purchase of the home and associated purchase price. They are items that are not permanently attached to the home. They can be moved or removed without demolishing anything.

Items that always come with the purchase of a home are real estate items. These are things that are attached to the house. For example, built-in appliances in the kitchen also fall under this because they inherently belong to the kitchen. On the other hand, a freestanding refrigerator is a moveable item and is therefore not necessarily included in the purchase price if you have yet to make arrangements.

The list also includes items not owned by the seller because there is a lease or rental agreement. The list of items then states whether it is included or whether you, as the buyer, must take over the contract in question. We sometimes see this with solar panels or heating systems.

When will you receive the list of items?

You receive the list of items after the agreement on the purchase price. You then have time to check everything because the list of items is also part of the purchase agreement that will be signed afterward. So if there are items you thought would stay in the house and be part of the total purchase price, this is the time to bring them up.

How can I take over items off the list of items?

We recommend taking over items such as cabinets or curtains informally (privately) and arranging this directly with the sellers. Often, a small amount of money in an envelope will suffice, whether or not combined with a treat at the property transfer. Indicate to sellers that you are interested and have them make an initial proposal. With many items, you can still negotiate the amount of takeover yourself.

On the other hand, you can also indicate in advance in your bid what you expect to take over for your bid amount. Although you often still need to get the list of items at that time, the sales agent sometimes already indicates whether something can be taken over. Of course, you can always ask during the viewing as well.

Checking the list of items at the final inspection

At the final inspection, you and the sales agent take one more tour of the home before you go to the notary for the transfer of title. This is also the time to check the list of items. Is something missing that should be there? Tell your real estate agent and notary as soon as possible. The notary can then withhold part of the purchase price and only pay out to the sellers when the missing items are returned. This also applies if the items are defective. Therefore, it is always recommended to check if equipment works properly!

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