Top 10 most frequently asked questions when objecting to a WOZ value

Top 10 most frequently asked questions when objecting to a WOZ value
Unfortunately, the WOZ value is often determined inaccurately. Fortunately, you can object.

The 2023 WOZ value will arrive on your doormat sometime in late January. The WOZ value is determined by municipalities and forms the basis for levies and taxes. The WOZ value you receive in January 2023 is the estimated market value of January 1, 2022. This is because it is one year behind.

The 2023 WOZ value may be too high or too low. Among other things, this affects the amount of these levies and taxes. The WOZ value is often determined inaccurately. Fortunately, it is possible to object. How to do this and what you - probably - will encounter read here. We discuss the 10 most frequently asked questions during a WOZ objection.

The systematic model comparison is a convenient approach to finding out as many values as possible, but it still needs to be more accurate.

1. My WOZ value needs to be corrected. How can that be?

To properly determine the value of a house, an appraiser should visit the house. He will decide if the house has changed, such as maintenance or an extension. This way costs municipalities a lot of money and an absurd amount of time. In short, it is not possible to do it this way.

Municipalities, therefore, use other methods to determine value. Systematic model comparison is a perfect approach to finding as many values as possible. But unfortunately, it is somewhat imprecise, a detrimental effect of this automated procedure.

It is your responsibility as a homeowner to see if the WOZ value of your house is correct. If it is not, you can object. Then, upon request, the municipality can send you an assessment report. You will find everything about your house, but usually sales figures of comparable properties. This way, you can see if the value is correct.

2. I disagree with my WOZ value of 2023. What can I do?

If the assessed WOZ value is too high or too low, this can significantly affect your situation and your living conditions. If you disagree, fortunately, you can submit an objection to the municipality within six weeks after the date.

Submit or send the notice of objection to the municipality. Of course, you have to argue that objection because you can't just object. The municipality must know why you disagree with the WOZ value. Do your research well and, for example, request a valuation report from the municipality.

3. Can I object to the WOZ value myself?

Yes, of course. To object to the assessed value under the Valuation of Immovable Property Act, you must submit a notice of objection to the municipality. You can do this yourself or enlist the help of an external party.

4. What arguments can I use to file an objection?

There are several arguments you can use in your WOZ objection. Each situation is unique. Check below which statements apply to you:

  • View Such as an unobstructed view or not, shadow nuisance or a garden;
  • Nuisances Like restaurants, busy roads, or annoying neighbors;
  • Home improvements Such as an extension, insulation, or the choice of solar panels;
  • Damage or overdue maintenance Such as construction or building defects, outdated condition, or an old central heating boiler;
  • Restrictive conditions Such as monument status, archaeological restrictions, or permit restrictions.
The municipality must receive your objection within a specific time frame.

5. When should I file my objection?

Up to six weeks after receiving the WOZ value, you can prepare an objection and submit it to the municipality. Note that it is essential that the municipality gets your complaint within this time frame.

So once you have received that WOZ value, do good research on the value of your house to see if the WOZ value is in order. Not the case? Then take action quickly.

6. Can the WOZ value also be increased after my objection?

No, this is not possible. This is because the WOZ Act relates to increasing taxes and fees. Therefore only fiscal arguments play a role. There is no interest in a higher assessed value. So a mortgage or the sale of a house does not matter because they are not fiscal arguments. Any renovation that has increased the home's value will be included in the following year's valuation.

7. Suppose I can't entirely agree with the outcome of my appeal. What do I do?

The ruling on your objection may not result in a reduction of the WOZ value. If you disagree with this decision, you will have - again - six weeks to appeal to the court.

8. Doesn't the municipality lose a lot of money in costs?

You would think. The gossip even goes that municipalities pass the fee on to residents through higher taxes. Nothing could be further from the truth. With an objection, you help the municipality get as many correct WOZ values as possible. And everyone is entitled to a valid WOZ value.

9. Which taxes will be lower if the WOZ value is lower?

For many, the most important reason to file an objection is the number of levies and taxes affected by the WOZ. The WOZ value is used as the basis for the following taxes: property tax (OZB), corporate income tax, income tax (owner-occupied home), water tax, wealth tax, gift tax, and inheritance tax.

10. I just became a property owner this year. Can I then object to the WOZ value?

First of all, congratulations. If you become a homeowner during the year, you can request the WOZ value from the municipality. You will then receive a new decision. If you disagree with the decision, it is possible to object.

These were the ten most frequently asked questions, but we would only be ourselves if we gave some additional information. Therefore, two other, equally essential bonus questions.

BONUS* Does it pay to object to the WOZ value?

This varies by the specific situation, but the WOZ value of your home affects the amount of several taxes. If the value is too high, you have to pay too much. In that case, it certainly pays to object. Don't raise it, and you can always try.

BONUS** What should I do if I can't object to the WOZ value in time?

The municipality must receive the notice of objection within six weeks of receiving the assessed value under the Valuation of Immovable Property Act. Unfortunately, the municipality can no longer process your complaint if this deadline has passed. So be on time.

If the objection arrives later than six weeks after the date, the complaint is considered inadmissible. You can no longer file an appeal and only appeal against the decision to declare your objection inadmissible.

In principle, the WOZ value is fixed after six weeks. Unless the late submitted objection leads to a decrease in value of 20% or more, then the WOZ value will still be adjusted.

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