Movable property

Movable property

Movable property is property that can be moved without affecting the structure of the house. This can range from furniture and appliances to smaller items such as curtains, net curtains, planters, and things in the garden. Buying these items is usually not included in the house purchase, so it is important to bear them in mind when purchasing a house. Tip: when a price deal comes up, the seller will most likely sell removable items for a bargain.

Movable property on the property list

In the 'list of items that a seller usually presents, they can indicate the movable property that will remain (i.e., including the purchase price), the items that will stay behind, and those that can be acquired for an additional amount.

What stays behind in the property?

Usually, an offer includes all real estate as indicated on the property list. In addition, you can expect anything complicated to detach will remain, for example, hanging kitchen cupboards. A built-in dishwasher and built-in refrigerator can also be expected to stay behind. On the other hand, a free-standing fridge can sometimes be taken by sellers. To prevent unpleasant surprises, recording agreements is essential. This way, you can check them properly during the home inspection before the buyers and sellers meet at the notary's office.

Trees and plants, as you now understand, remain in the garden. This is because they are immovable even when the wind is strong!

Bid including movable property

You can also make a bid explicitly stating it includes some movable goods, such as curtains or the washing machine. Then these items fall within the 'buyer's costs' of the house. The downside is you will have to pay transfer tax on these items.

In that case, paying for the movable items separately, aside from the house purchase, is better. Many years ago, large sums were allocated to movables that were nowhere near as valuable. The aim was to lower the house's purchase price to avoid transfer tax. After all, no tax had to be paid over these expensive curtains. That's not the case anymore. The tax authorities monitor every transaction, and the notary must also ensure that the house is sold for a fair price: no black money, no tricks with movables.

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