What is Walter?

Walter is the go-to source for housing market insights. We provide people like you with data in plain English, so you can make informed decisions when searching for a home.

We update our information daily, so you always have the latest insights. With Walter, you can trust your gut feeling and back it up with facts.

Walter is the complete home-buying service in the Netherlands and uses superior data to calculate the current value of homes. Our data is of the highest quality, and media sources such as the NOS-Journaal and RTL-news use it.

You can generate a property report for every property you like. How else would you make an offer without knowing exactly how much a house is worth?

From the moment you want to buy, Walter shows another side of itself. Five involved experts work together to make your purchase successful. Your own Walter agent is your fixed contact person and manages the other experts: a specialized lawyer who is always available for questions, a construction expert who inspects the house or maintenance plan for apartments at your request, a Walter data specialist who collects important neighborhood data, and an independent appraiser prepares a validated appraisal report for the bank.

Discover our step-by-step plan to see why we call ourselves the complete home-buying service in the Netherlands.

Walter advisor

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The adjusted purchase price is an adjustment to the original purchase price. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) periodically publishes the increase or decrease in house prices in the Netherlands. Continue reading →

No way! Walter is valid for any address in the Netherlands. So, wherever you’re planning to buy a house, Walter Living will help you until you’ve made the winning bid. Continue reading →

Walter experts are our in-house experts that can help you with your house hunt. With the help of data they’re here to answer all of your questions regarding the buying of a house. Continue reading →

All the data that are processed by Walter Living is imported from public sources, such as the Kadaster, CBS, RIVM, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, KCAF, and Open data Overheid. Continue reading →

No. Walter charges zero fees until you buy a home with us. Until then, you can place an unlimited amount of offers. Most homeowners who work with us secure a winning bid in the first six weeks. Continue reading →

Your Walter home-buying advisor does everything a traditional agent would do. Yet, they have a superpower: a team of data scientists and specialists behind them, helping you every step of the way. We don't join you during viewing because you can open a door yourselves, huh? Continue reading →

Yes. With Walter, you always make the right offer. Plus, you know you are not paying too much, and you have an estimate of what other bidders are doing. Continue reading →