Walter Living & SNS

Want to make an offer on your dream home?

SNS believes it is important to help customers further and has therefore started a partnership with Walter under the name "Kansvergroters". Benefit now from 3 months of free Walter Premium with the discount code you received from your SNS growth coach.

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Know exactly how much to bid

With Walter & SNS, you get the competitive edge you need and the control you want when making life's biggest purchase. Walter gives you insight into the value of a house and, perhaps more importantly, you get our automatic bidding advice.

A data-driven buying agent
  • Expensive house

    Betuwestraat 43

    Asking price: € 470,000 k.k.

    For sale
Expensive house

Walter home value

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Expensive house

Walter home value

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Expensive house

Walter home value

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  • Erin Donahue

    Full-time Buying Advisor

    walter property value calculator
Frequently asked questions

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As Walter, our ambition is to further expand our position in the housing ecosystem. With SNS, we can help homeseekers earlier in a successful home buying journey. Thus, we expect to further improve our customer service.

No personal data is exchanged between SNS and Walter. The customer creates an account with Walter himself. Walter passes SNS the number of users who have used this action. This data is completely anonymous and serves as support for this collaboration.

You don't have to worry about being stuck with Walter after you sign the service order. Walter purchase service is on a no-cure-no-pay basis and you don't pay Walter until the notary. So if you don't succeed in buying a property, for whatever reason, you don't owe Walter Living anything.

The data used by Walter comes from municipal and other databases such as the Land Registry, CBS, RIVM, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), KCAF and Open data Government. In addition, we also use our own unique Walter data such as search behavior, interest and the range of properties that is only available on Walter.