Most common contingencies

You can set resolutive conditions when you buy a home. For example, you buy if you know for sure that the bank gives a go on a mortgage.

They allow you to withdraw from the purchase without cost if something goes wrong, such as the structural inspection or if your mortgage application is rejected. Otherwise, you would be liable for 10% of the purchase price if you terminate the contract outside the legal cooling-off period.

At the same time, you can make the seller feel that the purchase is nearly certain, based on whether or not you use certain conditions. After all, they ultimately want the same thing as you do: for the purchase to proceed smoothly.

Financing reservation

When you submit an offer with a financing reservation, you can withdraw from the purchase without cost if you don't secure the mortgage in time. Usually, you need to provide evidence of two mortgage rejections from lenders before the deadline.

Submitting an offer without this reservation provides the seller with more certainty. The only risk you face is potentially losing the deposit if you're unable to afford the house. By offering with a partial financing reservation, you reduce the amount that needs to be financed. This can provide the seller with a sense of security.

Building inspection

To avoid unpleasant surprises, you can offer with a condition for a structural inspection. During the inspection, a construction expert assesses any deferred maintenance and the presence of hazardous substances.

Make your offer more appealing by choosing to:

  1. Conduct the inspection within the legal cooling-off period
  2. Receive a construction expert's opinion during a walkthrough inspection
  3. Associate a maximum amount with the inspection result


The deposit is the amount you owe the seller if you terminate the purchase outside of the contingencies and the legal cooling-off period. You need to pay this to the notary by a certain date, and it's offset against the final purchase price.

You can satisfy this requirement with either an advance payment or a bank guarantee. If you have the funds available, an advance payment is preferable. This is because the bank charges interest on a bank guarantee.

Optimal conditions for your offer

A good offer is more than just a monetary figure. At Walter, your expert always discusses the offer and conditions with you, ensuring you're comfortable before giving your approval. We also inform you about your likelihood of success based on our data.

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