
Present an all-cash offer. Always fully insured up to 750K. Only available at Walter.

Eliminating the financial contingency

With WalterMax you can bid without a financial contingency - and you don't need to use or have your savings. Zero risk, 100% assurance. Let's revolutionize the bidding landscape by eliminating the financial contingency!

With our robust bidding insurance, your personal buying agent, and exceptional mortgage advisors, we elevate your chance of winning with the lowest bid.

Beat the competition with an all-cash offer

Bidding without a financial contingency offers several advantages. It guarantees a safe and smooth transaction for both sellers and buyers, allowing you to bid lower while increasing your odds of winning the bid. Additionally, you won't bear any financial risk with WalterMax as we take full responsibility for ensuring your mortgage gets approved.

How it works

One of our experienced advisors determines your maximum mortgage amount during your first meeting. This meeting is free of charge. Once you receive our approval, you can bid confidently without a financial contingency up to the specified amount.

When you successfully purchase a home with us and receive the keys to your new home, you'll pay our fixed fee. If you fail to buy a house with us, you will not have to pay us a penny.


Only when you successfully secure a home with us you will be required to pay our fee for mortgage advice. This fee is in addition to our buying agent services. The total cost, including our buying agent services (€ 3,950) and mortgage services, comes to € 7,750 VAT included. The mortgage advice and appraisal are tax deductible.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's go WalterMax!

No cure, no pay Walter WalterMax
Property report before you bid ✔️ ✔️
Market & value analysis to set your bid ✔️ ✔️
Unlimited offers to sellers on your behalf ✔️ ✔️
Appraisal report for your mortgage application ✔️ ✔️
Structural property inspection ✔️ ✔️
Legal check purchase agreement ✔️ ✔️
Find the best mortgage for you - ✔️
Bid without financial contingencies - ✔️
Expert mortgage advice - ✔️
Mortgage request - ✔️

Activate WalterMax today and stand stronger with your next offer.

Walter adviseur

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