The local housing market in Aalten-kern Noord/Noordoost.

As an owner of a home in Aalten-kern Noord/Noordoost you'll be sitting alright. The average property price went up the past year with 11.0% to an average price of € 3,305 per square meter. This means Aalten-kern Noord/Noordoost is better compared to the average property price in gemeente Aalten (2.0% / € 2,955 per square meter). In comparison to the rest of the Netherlands, Aalten-kern Noord/Noordoost is ahead. In the entire Netherlands, prices fell by 1.0%.

Buying agent in Aalten-kern Noord/Noordoost

Discover the magic of Walter Aankoopservice in Aalten! Our data-savvy team will guide you through the home-buying maze, providing precise house values and smart bidding strategies. With Walter, every step towards your dream home becomes a breeze. Trust us, we're not just real estate experts, we're your personal home-buying heroes!

Housing market Aalten-kern Noord/Noordoost

The real estate market in Aalten saw 30 homes sold last quarter, compared to 31 this quarter. The average transaction price went from 361,179 euros last quarter to 337,647 euros this quarter. In terms of 2 eurosm2, the average transaction price went from 2,993 euros last quarter to 2,944 euros this quarter. The average list price went from 361,522 euros last quarter to 337,218 euros this quarter. The average WOZ-value, a measure of property value in the Netherlands, went from 267,419 euros in 2022 to 318,062 euros in 2023.

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