The local housing market in De Kromme Akker.

If you become property owner in De Kromme Akker you'll be sitting alright. The average home price grew the past year with 15.0% to an average price of € 3,932 per square meter. This means De Kromme Akker is better compared to the average home price in gemeente Barneveld (1.0% / € 4,166 per square meter). In comparison to the rest of Holland, De Kromme Akker is ahead. In the entire Netherlands, prices fell by 1.0%.

Buying agent in De Kromme Akker

Discover Voorthuizen's real estate market with Walter Aankoopservice! Our data-driven approach ensures you know the true value of a home and the right bid to place. With Walter, you're not just buying a house, you're making a smart investment. Our expert data analysts guide you through every step, making home buying in Voorthuizen a breeze. Trust Walter, your partner in smart home buying.

Housing market De Kromme Akker

The real estate market in Voorthuizen saw 74 homes sold this quarter, compared to 60 in the previous quarter. The average transaction price this quarter was 538,142 euros, compared to 463,583 euros last quarter. The average transaction price per square meter this quarter was 4,104 euros, compared to 3,853 euros last quarter. The average list price this quarter was 542,203 euros, compared to 480,717 euros last quarter. The average WOZ-value this year is 447,765 euros, compared to 384,697 euros last year.

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