
You can choose to outsource matters when buying a house. For example, a buying agent can help you search for a house, accompany you to viewings and even accompany you to the key transfer at the notary.

To earn their money, estate agents charge a commission, a fee for their work. In the Netherlands, brokers are allowed to decide how much they charge. Although you can negotiate, it is usually 1.5% of the purchase price. This always requires the inclusion of VAT, but pay close attention to this. The commission does not include start-up costs. These are usually between € 300 and € 500.

Commission for selling your house

Sometimes estate agents charge extra for taking photos or placing the property on internet sites such as Funda. These are the 'start-up costs.' Usually, the estate agent will not charge you if the sale is unsuccessful, but you will lose the start-up costs.

Regardless of whether the estate agent charges a fixed fee or a percentage fee, it is important to check what is inclusive and what is exclusive.

If everything goes according to plan and the estate agent succeeds in his mission, then payment is settled at the notary. Good to know: the estate agent's costs are not tax deductible.

Purchase broker's commission

A purchase broker also charges a commission. This commission can be a fixed amount, like Walter's, a percentage over the purchase price, or a success fee: a percentage over the negotiation profit. Combinations are also possible.

The advantage of a fixed amount is that you know exactly where you stand. The disadvantage of a percentage is that the buyer's agent benefits from a high final price, which conflicts with your interests as a buyer. The burden of a performance fee (percentage over the difference between the asking price and the final price) is that the buying agent focuses on keen negotiations. Negotiating too aggressively can sometimes be at the expense of the favor factor.

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