How much should I offer?

When buying a house, it's not just about finding the perfect home, but also about navigating the complex purchasing process. Luckily, there's Walter, your reliable digital purchasing agent who assists you with every step you need to take.

The power of data when buying a house

Walter is a data-driven company with experienced data analysts who know exactly what the value of a house is and how much you should offer. In this article, we'd like to introduce you to all the benefits of using Walter as your data-driven purchasing agent. From determining the accurate value to negotiating the price and handling the transaction, Walter is always by your side.

Valuation: the start of a successful purchase

The first and crucial step in the purchasing process is determining the value of a house. Traditionally, people relied on similar properties in the neighborhood and intuition to estimate, but with Walter, we go a step further. Our data analysts utilize advanced technologies and have access to a wealth of data sources, including the Land Registry, Funda, CBS, and other online databases. By analyzing this data and considering factors such as location, size, amenities, and historical transactions, we can provide an accurate and objective valuation. This empowers you to negotiate with confidence and establish the right price for a property.

Optimal bidding: Walter as your strategic partner

One of the most exciting and nerve-wracking moments in the purchasing process is placing a bid on a house. At Walter, we understand the importance of bidding strategically and having the best chance to secure the house of your dreams. Our data analysts thoroughly study market trends, the sales history of similar houses, and other relevant factors to develop a bidding strategy based on facts and trends. With Walter as your strategic partner, you can bid competitively without being outbid or exceeding your budget. This provides you with reassurance and increases your chances in a competitive market. This provides you with reassurance and increases your chances in a competitive market.

Negotiations: Walter by your side

When the time comes, a phase of negotiations begins. With Walter, you're not alone. Our experienced negotiators will act on your behalf and strive for the best conditions for your purchase. They possess deep knowledge of local market conditions and understand how to play the negotiations game. With Walter by your side, you can trust that you'll secure the best possible deal and that your interests will be represented.

Guidance at every step: Walter's purchasing service

The purchasing process goes beyond valuation, bidding, and negotiations. There are numerous other steps you need to take to successfully conclude the purchase. Fortunately, Walter offers a comprehensive purchasing service that guides you at every step of the process. Our expertise extends to arranging structural inspections, evaluating legal documents, organizing appraisals, and coordinating the transaction with the notary. We ensure that everything goes smoothly and that your interests are protected at all times.

Transparency and clarity: Walter's fixed fee

At Walter, we understand that transparency and clarity are crucial when making significant financial decisions. Therefore, we maintain a fixed fee for our services. For just €3,950 including VAT, payable at the notary when your offer on a property is accepted, you can benefit from our comprehensive purchasing service. This fee is based on the "no cure, no pay" principle. If you don't purchase a property, we won't charge any fees. This provides you with peace of mind and the assurance that we'll do everything to make your purchase successful.

Walter Living: your data-driven home-buying agent

Walter Living is more than just a digital purchasing agent. We are your reliable partner throughout the entire purchasing process. With our data-driven approach, experienced data analysts, and comprehensive purchasing service, we aim to turn your dream of owning a home into reality. At Walter, you're at the center, and our friendly and positive approach ensures a stress-free and successful experience.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact Walter Living today and discover how we can assist you in purchasing your ideal home. With Walter by your side, you're stronger and assured of a data-driven purchasing process that instills confidence.

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