Land Registry

The Kadaster is the land registry and mapping agency of the Netherlands. It maintains an accurate and up-to-date register of all immovable property in the country, including land, buildings, and infrastructure.

The Kadaster plays a crucial role in facilitating property transactions and providing valuable information for government, businesses, and individuals.

What is the Land Registry?

The Land Registry (Het Kadaster) is a government agency in the Netherlands responsible for registering and managing data about property and land. For example, you can find out who owns a house, where a home is located, and how big it is. The Land Registry is also responsible for registering mortgages. The Land Registry data is public and thus available to everyone.

Can you see in the Land Registry when a house has been sold?

Yes, the Land Registry registers all transactions of houses that take place within the Netherlands. Therefore, even as a consumer, you can retrieve this information.

How does Walter use information from the Land Registry?

All data we use at Walter comes from public sources, including the Land Registry. Thanks to our cooperation with the Land Registry, we receive all transactions that have taken place in the Netherlands every month. That data goes through our software and is merged with all publicly available information to paint a good picture of the value of a house and the neighborhood.

We also calculate things like a refurbishment budget, the strength of the local housing market, and even the best offer strategies. In short: a complete market analysis. So Walter can predict the value of a home in a particular home condition and help you get the winning offer. We refresh our data daily, so you always look at the most up-to-date numbers.

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