Buying a home in Steegsche Velden in Best.

Are you interested in buying a home in Steegsche Velden in Best in gemeente Best? In Steegsche Velden you can live rurally. At the moment 7 homes are for sale. Maybe your new home is one of those.

Sold homes in Steegsche Velden.

Curious about which homes did the worst in Steegsche Velden? Check the most recent, most expensive and cheapest homes changing owner in the past 12 months.

Whats's my home worth in this neighborhood? Find out with the free online valuation for your home.Click here for more information.
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The local real estate market in Steegsche Velden.

If you become home owner in Steegsche Velden you'll be sitting alright. The average value of a home nam to the past year with 1.0% to an average price of € 3,715 per square meter. This means Steegsche Velden is better compared to the average value of a home in gemeente Best (-1.0% / € 3,753 per square meter). In comparison to the rest of Holland, Steegsche Velden is ahead. In the entire Netherlands, prices fell by 1.0%.

Buying agent in Steegsche Velden

Looking to buy a home in Best? Walter Aankoopservice has your back! Our savvy data analysts know the true value of properties, ensuring you make informed bids. We guide you through every step of the home-buying journey, making it smooth and stress-free. With Walter, you’ll have the insights you need to snag your dream home at the right price. Don’t navigate the market alone—let us help you find the perfect place in Best!

Housing market Steegsche Velden

In the Dutch municipality of Best, the real estate market shows notable trends. The average WOZ value went from 400,640 euros in 2023 to 429,202 euros in 2024. Last quarter, 92 homes sold, compared to 78 this quarter. The average transaction price last quarter was 531,830 euros, compared to 512,902 euros this quarter. The average transaction price per square meter last quarter went from 4,019 euros to 4,187 euros this quarter. Additionally, the average list price last quarter was 523,917 euros, compared to 489,878 euros this quarter. Overall, the market reflects a dynamic environment with varying price metrics.

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