The local housing market in Wolfskoul.

As an owner of a home in Wolfskoul you'll be sitting in some peril. The average price of a home remained the same the past year with 0% to an average price of € 0 per square meter. This means Wolfskoul is worse compared to the average price of a home in gemeente Echt-Susteren (2.0% / € 2,607 per square meter). In comparison to the rest of the Netherlands, Wolfskoul is ahead. In the entire Netherlands, prices fell by 1.0%.

Buying agent in Wolfskoul

Discover the smart way to buy a home in Susteren with Walter Aankoopservice! Our data-driven approach ensures you know the true value of a house and the right bid to place. With Walter, you're not just buying a home, you're making a savvy investment. Our expert data analysts guide you through every step, making the process smooth and stress-free. Trust Walter, and make your dream home in Susteren a reality!

Housing market Wolfskoul

The same number of homes were sold in Susteren this quarter as the last, 13 homes. The average transaction price this quarter was 336,846 euros, compared to 297,551 euros in the previous quarter. The average transaction price per square meter this quarter was 2,419 euros, down from 2,561 euros last quarter. The average list price also went from 289,346 euros last quarter to 341,308 euros this quarter. The average WOZ-value, a measure of property value in the Netherlands, went from 245,768 euros in 2022 to 290,301 euros in 2023.

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