The local property prices in Heilaren.

If you buy a home in Heilaren you'll be sitting in some peril. The average property price decreased the past year with 1.0% to an average price of € 3,386 per square meter. This means Heilaren is worse compared to the average property price in gemeente Bernheze (0.0% / € 3,561 per square meter). In comparison to the rest of the Netherlands, Heilaren is level. In the entire Netherlands, prices fell by 1.0%.

Buying agent in Heilaren

Discover the smart way to buy a home in Heeswijk-Dinther with Walter Aankoopservice. Our data-driven approach ensures you know the true value of any property, guiding your bid to success. With Walter, you're never alone in your home-buying journey. Our expert analysts are with you every step of the way, making the process smooth and stress-free. Trust Walter, and make your dream home in Heeswijk-Dinther a reality.

Housing market Heilaren

The real estate market in Heeswijk-Dinther saw 10 homes sold last quarter, compared to 8 this quarter. The average transaction price went from 407,315 euros last quarter to 490,207 euros this quarter. In terms of 2 eurosm2, the average transaction price went from 3,472 euros last quarter to 3,513 euros this quarter. The average list price also saw a change, going from 399,500 euros last quarter to 512,688 euros this quarter. The average WOZ-value of properties this year is 452,181 euros, compared to 387,209 euros last year.

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Our buying experts can help buy your new home in Heeswijk-Dinther on your behalf — so you have the best shot at getting the one you love.