The local housing market in Krijtenberg en Noorder Koeslag.

If you become property owner in Krijtenberg en Noorder Koeslag you'll be sitting alright. The average property price decreased the past year with 1.0% to an average price of € 3,383 per square meter. This means Krijtenberg en Noorder Koeslag is better compared to the average property price in gemeente Olst-Wijhe (-5.0% / € 3,623 per square meter). In comparison to the rest of Holland, Krijtenberg en Noorder Koeslag is level. In the entire Netherlands, prices fell by 1.0%.

Buying agent in Krijtenberg en Noorder Koeslag

Discover the magic of Walter Aankoopservice in Wijhe! Our savvy data analysts use cutting-edge technology to accurately determine house values, guiding your bidding process. With Walter, every step of your home-buying journey is simplified. We're not just a service, we're your partner in making your dream home a reality. Trust Walter, where data meets dreams.

Housing market Krijtenberg en Noorder Koeslag

The real estate market in Wijhe saw a rise in the number of houses sold, going from 6 in the previous quarter to 22 in the last quarter. The average transaction price also saw a change, going from 406,051 euros to 394,173 euros. The average transaction price per square meter also changed, going from 3,145 euros to 3,213 euros. The average list price went from 406,500 euros to 389,750 euros. The average WOZ-value, a measure of property value in the Netherlands, went from 319,470 euros in 2022 to 374,213 euros in 2023.

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