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Property tour and selling makelaar

When requesting a bid review for a property through a Walter agent, there are several essential steps you must follow to ensure a smooth process and acquire your dream home safely and confidently.

There are two key initial steps to get started: scheduling a tour and providing the agent's information.

Tour the home

Viewing a property is a crucial step in the real estate purchasing process. It allows you to closely inspect the property, explore the surroundings, and determine whether the house meets your expectations. Here are some important reasons why you should do this:

  1. Personal Experience: While photos and descriptions can convey a lot, nothing replaces the experience of physically visiting a home. This provides you with the opportunity to experience the layout, condition, and overall atmosphere of the property.
  2. Identify Any Concerns: During a tour, you can discuss any concerns or questions directly with the agent. For example, you can inquire about the home's condition, any renovations, the neighborhood, and more.
  3. Confirm Your Choice: By personally inspecting a property, you can be confident that you are making an informed decision before making an offer. This minimizes the risk of disappointment after the purchase.

Provide the Agent's Information

Having the contact information of the selling agent is crucial for several reasons when buying a home:

  1. Communication: The selling agent acts as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. Providing their contact information enables effective communication, which is essential for asking questions, negotiating, scheduling viewings, and discussing any concerns.
  2. Information and Documentation: The selling agent possesses important information about the property, such as ownership documents, inspection reports, and any legal issues that may affect the purchase. Access to this information is vital to being well-informed about the property before making an offer.
  3. Negotiations: If you decide to make an offer on the property, your agent will often directly contact the selling agent to conduct negotiations. The selling agent can assist in conveying your offer to the seller, discussing counteroffers, and reaching agreement on the sale price and other terms.
  4. Legal and Contractual Aspects: When closing the deal, numerous legal and contractual aspects need to be handled. The selling agent can assist in drafting the purchase contract and ensure that all required legal procedures are followed. Having their contact details facilitates a smooth handling of these processes.
  5. Follow-up and Updates: Throughout the entire purchase process, there may be developments such as inspection results, financing approvals, and other significant updates. The selling agent can keep you informed of these developments and ensure a seamless process.
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