The local property prices in Elbrink.

If you buy a home in Elbrink you'll be sitting in some peril. The average property price remained equal the past year with 0% to an average price of € 0 per square meter. This means Elbrink is worse compared to the average property price in gemeente Berkelland (3.0% / € 3,101 per square meter). In comparison to the rest of the Netherlands, Elbrink is ahead. In the entire Netherlands, prices fell by 1.0%.

Buying agent in Elbrink

Discover the magic of Borculo with Walter Aankoopservice! Our data-savvy team knows the ins and outs of the housing market, ensuring you get the best value for your money. We guide you through every step of the home-buying process, from bidding to closing. With Walter, you're not just buying a house, you're investing in your future. Trust us to turn your dream home in Borculo into a reality.

Housing market Elbrink

The real estate market in Borculo saw 18 homes sold last quarter, a number that fell to 13 this quarter. The average transaction price also saw a change, going from 384,135 euros last quarter to 350,874 euros this quarter. The average transaction price per square meter followed a similar trend, going from 2,845 euros last quarter to 2,722 euros this quarter. The average list price also decreased, going from 392,891 euros last quarter to 351,731 euros this quarter. However, the average WOZ-value saw a significant rise, going from 275,013 euros in 2022 to 332,448 euros in 2023.

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Our buying experts can help buy your new home in Borculo on your behalf — so you have the best shot at getting the one you love.