Notarized transfer of property ownership

The property officially changes hands during the transfer of property ownership. This happens formally after registration in the Land Registry. This is the last step in the buying process and, therefore, crucial.

You sign for the ownership of the property and the settlement of the mortgage on the property. After that, you receive the keys. The notary regulates all legal matters regarding the transfer. The notary is authorized to sign and make the transfer official. Therefore, a property transfer is, by definition, notarized. The notary is independent and impartial and regards the interests of both the buyer and the seller.

How does the transfer of ownership take place?

The purchase is final once the cooling-off period and the dates of any resolutive conditions have come to pass. The day of the transfer of ownership of the property only remains now. Just before the transfer of an existing home, you inspect the house one last time. If your last round of inspections shows that everything is in order, you go with the seller to the notary.

The transfer consists of signing the deed of delivery and the mortgage deed. The provisions are also read aloud one more time.  

If both documents are correct, the deeds are signed, and the purchase price is paid. From this moment on, the buyer is officially the proud owner of a new home. The seller immediately hands over the keys to the house. However, the transfer of ownership is only final when a copy of the transfer deed is registered at the Land Registry by the notary.

What is the notary's role in the transfer of ownership of a home?

The buyer usually chooses and pays the notary. The notary is the independent third party who manages the transfer of ownership of the property. Among other things, the notary investigates the buyer and the seller. For example, he verifies their identities, checks if the seller is the legal owner, and if there are no third-party claims on the property.

How much time is there between the purchase agreement and the transfer of ownership?

There is often some time between the purchase agreement and the actual transfer. Usually about six weeks, but it may take longer. For example, if you agree with the seller to take time to sell your home. Stretching it then to three months is common.

How long does the transfer of ownership of a house take at the notary?

You can expect about 30 minutes to an hour to transfer ownership, including coffee.

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